Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The magic of ProGibb SG is natural

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Boosting grass growth with ProGibb SG plus liquid N is a no-brainer for Waikato 50% sharemilkers Dan and Abbie Hinton. 
Reading Time: 2 minutes

They use the natural pasture growth promotant to produce as much winter milk as possible off grass instead of more expensive supplements. But they say the principles behind ProGibb are just as applicable to spring-calving systems. 

“The growth rates we are achieving are 30% higher than the paddocks which have not been treated, so we’re getting more high quality grass on a faster round. After 26-30 days treated paddocks actually look grazeable versus the paddocks that haven’t been sprayed, which don’t.

Once the treated pastures are grazed, they instantly send out a new tiller.

Timing is everything so the Hintons use a contractor for the work and strictly follow the recommended application time of within five days post-grazing.  

The Hintons say regardless of the payout, they need to feed their 550 autumn-calving cows with the most economic feed available to minimise loss of body condition between calving
and mating. 

“This is important because if we don’t achieve a good six-week in-calf rate the bad year will flow into subsequent years, with larger repercussions. 

“Surplus spring grass, if managed properly, is 1 MJ ME/kg DM higher than some other feeds you can buy, at a fraction of the cost,” Dan says.

Dan and Abbie have converted from 600 spring calving cows on a System 3, producing 1450kg milksolids (MS)/ha and 415kg MS/cow, to 550 autumn-calving cows on a System 2-3, targeting the same production per ha and per cow.

ProGibb literally caught Dan’s eye on their previous farm where they were sharemilkers, thanks to commercial trials. 

“From these it was so visually obvious to see the extra growth that was achieved that I got very interested. The most obvious difference was if you missed a round of nitrogen the loss of pasture production through that round was huge. ProGibb then amplified this affect.”

Talking to Nufarm technical expert Paul Addison reinforced the view that it was a no-brainer, especially given the fact that using ProGibb did not entail robbing Peter to pay Paul because there was no lag in treated pastures. 

Between June and August spray contractor Stu Davison of Davison Agri-Spray goes to the farm twice a week and applies liquid nitrogen plus ProGibb to 10-20ha each visit. He checks the Hintons’ grazing planner for which paddocks have been grazed within the past five days and sprays from day five forward until the tank runs out (10ha). If there’s enough grazed area to justify another tank load, he applies it; if not, when he returns in four days he applies two loads. 

The Hintons graze about 4.8ha/day and while the weather is always a factor, they only spray paddocks within five days post-grazing. 

“We use a contractor because timing is everything and at this time of the year we just don’t have the time. Also we don’t have the equipment and liquid nitrogen is hazardous to make.”

They say the best way to evaluate ProGibb’s potential is to spray half or a whole paddock. 

“Once it’s on there is no secret, you just watch and the magic is in front of your eyes plain to see within days. If you can see it, it’s 300kg DM/ha!”

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