Thursday, May 2, 2024

Temuka store cattle 1.10

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15-month Santa Gertrudis steers, 399-416kg, earned $2.71-$2.73/kg Two-year Friesian bulls, 377-421kg, made $2.59-$2.67/kg 80 yearling Angus steers, 266-327kg, traded for $2.80-$2.89/kg Yearling Hereford-Friesian steers, 251-346kg, mostly made $2.46-$2.56/kg
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At 300 head the 2-year pens only provided a small proportion of the tally at Temuka last Thursday. Most were dairy-beef steers, 333-412kg, that made $2.47-$2.59/kg with second-cuts $2.32-$2.40/kg. Heifers were largely 318-435kg Hereford-Friesian and sold for $2.28-$2.40/kg.

The yearling steer and heifer pens were full of both Angus and Hereford-Friesian that sold in big pens of up to 46 head. Over 350 in the heifer pens weighed 221-333kg. Half were in the top cut that earned $2.38-$2.47/kg while second cuts made $2.24-$2.35/kg. A few exotic heifers, Belgian Blue and Charolais-cross at 205-345kg, fetched $2.49-$2.54/kg. Read more in your LivestockEye.

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