Sunday, May 5, 2024

Take care with kids and vehicles

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MYTH 3: WorkSafe doesn’t want kids on farm vehicles. My youngest is 25 now but it seems no time since I was stopping the truck so my kids could get out and pick the lambs up. 
Reading Time: < 1 minute

It’s natural to want your kids and grandkids to be involved on the farm and WorkSafe doesn’t want to change that. 

However, farmers are responsible for ensuring other people, including children, are not put at risk.

Vehicles are the major factor in fatal accidents on farms and children are particularly vulnerable to that critical risk. 

They lack the judgment, body weight and strength to handle full-sized farm vehicles like quad bikes. 

If they are riding a smaller model farm bike they still need adult supervision and to wear an approved helmet and closed-in shoes. 

Children shouldn’t ride on tractors, quad bikes or on the back of utes as passengers.

However, as long as they are strapped safely into their seats, properly supervised and in an appropriate vehicle they can enjoy travelling around the farm with you. 

My kids got very good at asking “did it click” when we did their seat belts up. 

That’s how kids learn – through supervised experience.

We’ve all been young and we know young people don’t always make good decisions – and the younger the child, the less they are able to properly understand the risks they face. 

It makes sense to take precautions like removing keys from vehicles and keeping vehicle storage sheds locked. 

Never leave vehicles unattended with the motor running. 

If you have children with you, it’s a good idea to ensure they’re always in a spot where you can see them before you move the vehicle.

When it comes to kids operating vehicles, remember, these are expensive pieces of kit you can’t do without. 

Do you really want someone who doesn’t really understand risk operating it when you or others are working nearby?

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