Monday, May 6, 2024

Stratford prime, boner and bull sale March 15

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Numbers were light at the Stratford prime sale on Tuesday, which was a reflection of the limited number of prime cattle available in general. Most of the yarding wasn’t finished and wouldn’t have looked out of place in the store pens.
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Prime heifers, 575-700kg, made $2-$2.66/kg, with 555-778kg steers at $2.76/kg.

Three-year Hereford bulls, 815kg, made $2241, $2.75/kg, while 2.5-year bulls, 515-667kg, earned $2.46-$2.78/kg. That was basically the prime cattle, with the rest of the yarding forward stores.

A larger offering of 15-month and 2-year bulls were well-received, with Friesian, 390-507kg, at $2.50-$2.64/kg, while most other lines sold for $2-$2.23/kg. All were of dairy origin.

In-calf boner cow prices were steady with Friesian and Friesian-cross trading at $1.65-$1.84/kg, Jersey $1.59/kg. Very light empty cows were offered and sold to limited interest, with Friesian and Friesian-cross, 295-347kg, at $1.10-$1.38/kg, while the better end sold on a softer market at $1.79-$1.81/kg. Jersey and Jersey-cross condition was better with 332-387kg making $1.34-$1.38/kg, and 430-525kg $1.58-$1.67/kg.

Beef cows sold over a tight range to good demand, with all trading at $1.80-$1.88/kg, with a line of very heavy Hereford-Friesian and Friesian-cross selling to $1.94-$1.97/kg.

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