Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Bearing down on prolapses

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Finding humane and effective methods for dealing with prolapses in ewes has been difficult for farmers but now Rurtec is offering a solution with its newly-developed Bearin harness. A prolapse occurs when the pressure in the abdomen is greater than the strength of the muscles around the vagina. The incidence is higher in ewes with multiple lambs, those eating bulky feed, or on steep hills if they lie with their head uphill.
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The reusable Bearin harness is made with wide strapping that goes around the neck of the ewe, along the back and around the hind legs, and has plastic tubing to apply pressure to the vulva.

The strap around the neck prevents the ewe from arching her back and straining. 

Ewes are able to lamb through the plastic tubing of the harness and they can be used on prolapses occurring after lambing.

Wairarapa sheep and beef farmers Robert and Lucy Thorneycroft trialled prototype harnesses and were pleased with how they worked.

Robert said the harness was easy to put on with adjustable straps that could be used on ewes or hoggets. 

Rurtec’s No Mate teaser harness.

They were comfortable for the sheep while keeping the bearing in place. 

“We had a higher success rate of lambing ewes with bearings using the harness than with any other method we have used,” he said.

Rurtec has a range of other harnesses including the Adopta restraint harness for ewes that need to be tethered while mothering and rearing new-born lambs. 

The No Mate teaser harnesses temporarily turn entire rams into teasers and the Matingmark breeding harness ensures
farmers know what is happening during tupping and when lambing will happen by individual ewe.

More? Go to or call 0800 RURTEC.

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