Thursday, May 2, 2024

Meeting your limits

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Nutrient limits are coming at farmers thick and fast. How to farm profitably within them is the big question and at this stage there’s no silver bullet answer.
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Researchers are working hard to find a range of mitigation tools that will fit a variety of systems and while there’s hope among their early results there’s still some way to go.

Much still has to be done to include current mitigations in the Overseer model too.

What’s clear from talking to consultants and scientists is that a range of mitigations are likely to be necessary and the absolute imperative will be to analyse carefully the effect they’ll have on the wider farming business and profitability before farmers make big investment decisions.

Slashing the stocking rate on its own could drop leaching but it’s essential per cow production benefits are captured.

Similarly, a standoff area to reduce cow grazing time on paddocks over autumn could require an additional investment in machinery, higher costs with added bought-in supplement and an extension or upgrade to the effluent system.

This special report doesn’t cover cow housing over winter as it’s a special report topic in its own right and will be dealt with in our Dairy Design feature later in the year.

In this report we look at:

Valuers’ and bankers’ views on how nutrient limits are affecting farm values

A first hand experience of dealing with a nutrient cap

Research findings from varying stocking rates and using diverse pastures

The effects of limiting the time cows are on pasture

New developments with Overseer

Nitrate leaching reduction from changes to fertiliser and stocking rate through autumn

Breeding higher genetic merit cows

Precision agriculture

Controlling phosphorus loss, page 25.


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