Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Make time for wellness

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Recent research reports farmers are 31% more concerned than the general population about the impact of stress on their health. The survey also found that 23% more farmers than the general population worry about work all the time, and a total of 19% of farmers agree that “life is a constant struggle”, which is 67% more than the general population. What’s happened to the farming lifestyle?
Reading Time: 3 minutes

We put huge emphasis on the sustainability of our land and business. We focus on the health of stock, pasture and crops and we think about how we can give back to the community and nation.

But perhaps the most important part of a successful farming business and industry is the sustainability and wellness of farmers themselves. Unfortunately, this important factor is often forgotten amid the goals, ambitions and challenges of farming.

There are increasing nutrient and water limitations, health and safety regulations and increasing people management standards to comply with. There are volatile payout prices and, although nothing new, unpredictable and harsh weather. Also, many farmers are carrying high debt levels and struggling with high staff turnover as well. And to add to it all, it feels like we’re farming in a fishbowl with everyone watching what we’re doing and wanting a report.

Resilience is key to wellness.

These issues are here to stay and if we want to reap the benefits of farming without it taking its toll on us, we need to make sure we’re resilient. The answer to resilience lies in learning how to keep ourselves strong by maintaining our health and wellness. But what exactly is wellness?

The World Health Organisation’s definition of wellness is: a state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, copes with the stresses of life, works productively and fruitfully and makes a contribution to his or her community.

This state of wellbeing comes from having a balanced life and being able to slow down and enjoy what we do. To be resilient we must make time for activities that revitalise us physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.

This personal restoration creates the energy we need to perform demanding work and be sharp in the face of challenges and change.

Taking part in these activities requires time management. We won’t succeed in being well if we are always rushing and never able to fit in the things which replenish us. Time is something we often say we don’t have enough of. But the reality is that if we don’t make time for wellness, we’ll eventually have to make time for illness.

There is a lot we can do to improve our wellness. The good news is that if we put the time in, wellbeing and resilience can be improved. Research shows us that wellness is 50% determined by genetics, 10% by what happens to us and 40% by how we deal with it.

This is encouraging because there are many people who often say that the reason they aren’t well is because of things outside of their control, but the truth is that there is a lot we can do.

According to the extensive United Kingdom foresight project Mental capital and wellbeing done in 2005, the things that keep us well are connecting with others, continuing to learn, spending time doing things we enjoy, keeping active and giving. It is also important that we rest and make good food choices.

Here are some practical ways we can include more of these things into our lives:
• Spend time with people you enjoy
• Attend functions and join groups, both in the industry and outside it
• Take the time to stop and really listen to others when they are talking
• Volunteer your time and talents
• Embrace new ideas and try new things. Surprise yourself
• Stay up-to-date with your industry and interests
• Watch and read things that stimulate your mind
• Choose onfarm options that require your body to move, like walking instead of using the bike
• Eat plenty of fruits, veggies and protein
• Avoid high-sugar and high-fat foods
• Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake
• Listen to music that inspires you
• Pay attention to the beauty of simple, everyday things
• Take notice of your surroundings and appreciate nature
• Take breaks during the day to get perspective
• Take holidays and get off-farm long enough to unwind
• Try to get consistent sleep
• Do the things that make you laugh.

These are elements of lifestyle. And it’s up to us to make an effort to put the lifestyle back into farming.

Dana Carver is a DairyNZ wellness and wellbeing specialist.

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